Friday, May 12, 2006

Church Notice Boards

So many church notice boards do more harm than good and some do no good.

What would the ideal future notice board outside the church of which you were the incumbent say? How about:

The Reformed, Evangelical, Protestant and Established by Law



Church of the is Realm

of England.

(founded In The Year of Our Lord, 1882 [- or as early as possible])


There is no salvation in any other name (Acts 4:12)

Proclaiming God’s Word

Praying for God’s Help

Praising God’s Glory

Knowing Christ and Making Him Known

Main Service: Sunday 10am

You Will Be Very Welcome

Come and See!

Pastor: Rev’d Joe Bloggs ([Academic qualifications?])

The pastor is available on Saturdays from 10am – 11am in the church study
or by appointment at other times to see any parishoner.

Baptisms, Church School, Weddings, Funerals, Counselling by arrangement.

07812 054820 (24 hrs)

It should be made of fine old wood, red with gold and black letters. Other notice boards should preach the gospel in modern engaging and chaging ways, tell of all the church does and flag up special events of interest to the outsider that should be changed frequently.

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