Monday, December 23, 2024

The gospel of gloom


In The Spectator Coffee House podcast review of the year, Michael Gove reflected that the incoming Labour government over did the Gospel of Gloom. You remember all that stuff about how terrible their inheritance from the Tories was, and the £22 billion black hole in the public finances.


Christians certainly need to realise something of the bad news before we can really grasp the good news of the gospel. We believe in the goodness of God and in the original goodness of creation, which original sin mars but does not entirely undo. We believe human beings are totally depraved. The Fall affects us all, all the way down and in every part. The human predicament is truly terrible, our plight desperate. Sin is hellish. Only if we have a sense of some of these things will we see the value and urgency of the gospel.


It is against this black back cloth that the diamond of the gospel shines most brightly.


It is also almost impossible to over emphasise the goodness of the good news. The Christian faith is glad tiding that should make us dance and leap for joy. It is the best news in the world ever. A merry Christmas is most fitting.


And our sense of sin and weakness should not allow us to be gloomy about the church. Hope is essential and despair spreads and is self-defeating.


The church is always somewhat a human institution prey to all sorts of human failings. There is always much of which we need to repent and there is no health in us of ourselves.  


There are no biblical promises simply for the C of E or the parish church or for any other denomination, tribe or gathering.


But we know that Jesus will build his church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.


The gospel works. Love wins. Christians should be an optimistic people. The war is decided so we can venture boldly. If our little enterprise founders, well, not to worry!


The gospel is for people in gloom and great darkness. But the gloom must be precisely understood and calibrated. For every look at the darkness, we also need the superabundant and overcoming Light who scatters the darkness from before our path.

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