Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Christmas Day All Age Sermon on Presents


Has anyone brought a present they’ve received?


Christmas shouldn’t be all about the presents.

But it is all about a present.

Or rather, it is all about a Prescence.

(See what I did there?)


It is about Jesus given to us.

Jesus come to be God present with us – God with us and for us.  

The gift of Jesus: born as God made human, God made flesh.

God coming to share our condition and save us from ourselves.  


The Bible says, “to us a child is born, to us a son is given.”


The angels says to the shepherds:

“Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.”


Jesus is born to us, given to us.

He is God’s perfect and ultimate gift to us.

All we ever wanted and needed – although perhaps we didn’t know it.

That’s the best type of present, isn’t it?

A surprise you didn’t even know you wanted.

The giver knows you better than you know yourself.

Well, God is the ultimate thoughtful, loving giving.  


And I’ve got several gifts for you today to remind you of that greatest gift.


First, a piece of straw.

Now, if we can, I’d like to give every person here a single strand of straw.

Or at least one for all the children.

Just what you wanted!


I think I need a team of people to help me here.


The Bible never actually says that Jesus was born in a stable, but it does say there was no room for them in the inn or the guest room and that Jesus was laid in  a manger.


So the straw – the animal bedding – is meant to remind us of that manger.

Who knows if there was straw or not.

Quite likely Jesus didn’t have a lovely mattress.

I expect they tried to clean up the manger, but maybe straw was the best they could do.


Jesus certainly didn’t have a beautiful crib in a royal palace.

Likely he was in the room that the animals normally used.

The manger – the animals feeding trough – may have just been a hole in the ground.


Jesus’ birth was very ordinary.

Even less than ordinary.

He had to slum it and make do.

He came to share our mess – to be with us as we are.  

And that makes sense because he came to be our saviour – to rescue us from the mess we’ve made of things.

He joined our human family, and became our brother, that he might save us.


Christmas tells us we don’t need to pretend and put on our Sunday best.

We can come to Jesus as we are, because Jesus came to us as we are.


So that’s the first gift, a piece of straw, to remind us of Jesus’ humble birth:

Jesus who came from the throne of heaven to be laid in borrowed manger for you and me.


Now, the second gift, if you’d like one, is one of these.


I’m just going to put some gloves on, because I don’t really want this to touch my hands.


What do you think this is?


[Chocolate raisin]




What does it look like? What’s it meant to be? What are we pretending it is just to humour the Rector for now?


A reminder of sheep and shepherds


The shepherds are literally outsiders who are invited in



The leaders of the OT shepherds – Abraham, Moses, David

Their shepherds had mostly gone wrong / bad


Jesus the Shepherd – THE GOOD Shepherd – the true and ultimate new and better

The one who would lead us, and protect us, and provide for us, and give us security and rest.

The one we need because we all like sheep have gone astray and we need to come home to the shepherd and overseer of our souls.

Jesus comes to seek and to save us lost sheep and he lovingly puts us on his shoulders and carries us home.


Jesus the Shepherd who also turns out to be the Lamb  

Jesus dies for his sheep, as the sacrificial victim in our place, to take away the sin of the world.

And then he rises again from the dead.


Like this chocolate, there’s more to Jesus than might first appear.

Jesus looks so unpromising, and turns out to be brilliant!

Jesus deserves a second and third look

He’s very easy to mistake – to overlook

He’s much better than we can ever imagine


As you feast this Christmas, taste and see that the Lord is good!

[eat a chocolate]


Two more gifts:





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