Thursday, August 06, 2009

Regeneration / Ressurection Illustration

Another idea from camp, this time stolen from DJ:

In the film Shrek, Princess Fiona kisses Shrek on their wedding day and is transformed into a troll, just like him. She is given a new life and a new relationship - and made like Shrek.

Similarly, the Christian believer is given new life and a new relationship at his regeneration and resurrection and is made like the Lord Jesus.

Not bad, eh?


Ros said...

Jesus is not a troll.

Unknown said...

And all illustrations contain a 'like' and 'unlike' aspect, don't they?

Marc Lloyd said...

I agree with you both, happily!

Jesus is going to be an i-phone in my talk tommorow I think, supreme and sufficient and not to be relaced by a poxy old Nokia brick, but used and known and so on with the help of the manual (Bible), the help desk (prayer), friends who also have an i-phone (other Christians, family, friends, church, CU etc.)

Col 1-2 reading.
