Thursday, January 23, 2025

Numerical growth of churches (again)

 I have commented on this before. 

I think when I was at my excellent Vicar Factory, I thought that the gospel would grow churches. 30, 60 or 100 times! Much seed would be spurned, of course. But the seed of the gospel will produce the largest tree in the garden. That mountain will fill the earth. Etc.

And I still believe all those things. 

But maybe I don't expect to see the 10% a year growth in giving and Sunday attendance ("our key performance indicators") which perhaps I once thought might be normal if one preached the gospel and worked hard with reasonable competence. The graphs of our churches might look messy. 

Growth is complicated. Growth is numerical and spiritual. Growth is God's business. 

In our diocese, I'm told, 1/5 churches has grown since 2019 - latest statistics. 

Some of that growth may have been transfer growth, I guess. 

We can perhaps say:

Growth is possible. 

Growth is not easy or automatic. There can be excellent leadership and ministry and no growth. 

If we manage to hold our own, we should give thanks and rejoice as many churches are declining. We long for obvious fruit, of course, but we have to trust that The Gardener knows what he's doing!  

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