“I’m a Christian, but I don’t go to church.” Have you heard
people say that? Perhaps you’ve said it yourself.
It’s worth just pausing to ask what we mean by a Christian
here. Not just a Brit or a Westerner. Or a nice, moral person who tries to do
the decent thing. Giving to charity is fantastic, but it’s not what we mean by being
a Christian. The basic Christian confession is “Jesus Christ is Lord.” To be a
Christian is to deliberately trust Jesus as your Saviour and to seek to obey
him as your Lord. We all mess up in many ways, but Christians depend on Jesus
and want to follow him as his disciples – apprentices who learn from him.
Of course going to church doesn’t make someone a Christian,
any more than going to MacDonalds would make you a hamburger.
But Christians ought to go to church. The Bible teaches that.
And Christians have always thought so. From the most ancient times, Christians
have gathered on The Lord’s Day morning, the first day of the week, Sunday,
Resurrection Day, to celebrate the Christian Sabbath, just as the risen Lord Jesus
met with his disciples. We are not to give up meeting together as some are in
the habit of doing.
Church is just part of the deal. If you belong to Jesus you
belong to his church, to his people, his body. You cannot have the head without
the body. The church is the ark in the world. Outside the church there is no
salvation. If you’re a Christian you are part of the universal invisible
church, and you ought to be baptised and join up with a visible historical
church somewhere. You are a church member. Don’t be an absentee church member!
But it’s not so much that Christians have to go to church.
Rather, Christians get to go to church! If the truth be told, church is not
always all that it might be. You’re not. I’m not. People get things wrong and
rub up against each other. Maybe the music could be improved or the preacher
will be dull or…. But church is a wonderful privilege. Here (ideally) are people
from all backgrounds and ages, from all around the world, brought together by
Jesus. Saved sinners like you who have been made family. We may differ in many
ways, but we have God as our Father and Jesus as our brother and the Spirit
indwells us.
Church is a royal command performance. Jesus is there in a special
way with two or three who meet in his name. We confess our sins and are assured
of his forgiveness. We sing his praises. We hear his Word. He feeds us in his
Supper. He blesses us. And we enjoy one another’s company. We are equipped and
sent out to live for Him. What could possibly be better than this? This is the
best and most important, most wonderful hour and a bit of the week on which all
else depends. This time of special gathered worship helps us to worship Jesus
with our whole lives.
You ought to go to church.
You get to go to church!
Not only that, but you need to go to church. The Bible
knows of no lone ranger Christians. A coal taken out of the fire will soon grow
cold. You need the help and encouragement of other believers.
Possibly you could try to survive as Christian without
going to church, but it might be a bit like subsisting on a diet of bread and
water. I really can’t recommend it.
And your church needs you! We are part of one body. And
whether you’re a hand, a foot, a nose or an eye, you are wanted and needed. The
body is dismembered and dysfunctional without you.
So see you on Sunday!
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