Monday, September 22, 2008

The most famous verse in the Bible

Here's the text of my handout for a sermon on John 3:16. The "D"s are stolen from 4 advent sermons by John Piper (1994). My sermon can be heard on our church website.

(1) Everyone’s DANGER:

Perishing without Christ

V18 – condemned

V36 – under the wrath of God

No automatic Christians – a real danger

(2) God’s DESIGN:

So loving the world that he gives His only begotten Son

God loves the whole world

God loves the wicked world

Giving: incarnation & crucifixion – 1 John 4:9-10

(3) Our DUTY:

Believing in Jesus

Believing certain objective truths

Personal trust and dependence – vv14-15 (cf. Num 21:4-9)

For whoever – 3:36

An ongoing duty

(4) Believers’ DESTINY:

To have eternal life

quantity & quality

10:10 – full life

17:3 – eternal life = knowing God

There was some discussion about whether or not John 3:16 is really the most famous verse in the Bible. Someone suggested "The Lord Is My Shepherd...". I reckon the Lord's Prayer may actually be better known.


Neil Jeffers said...

I can't remember where, but I saw a survey once saying Matt 7:1 was the best-known verse amongst those who don't identify themselves as regular churchgoers.

Anonymous said...

I would pitch in with 1 John 4:8 -not the whole verse or the ref but it has to be up there as one of the most quoted and misused verses "God is Love"

Anonymous said...

For my money, it's most likely 1 Chronicles 1:44