Romans 1:1-7 – A Gospel-Filled Introduction
Paul is introducing himself and his gospel message
(Likely Paul wrote this letter from Corinth around AD 57)
Two reasons for the letter to the Romans:
(1) Paul plans to visit the church at Rome and hopes they
will help him on his projected mission to take the gospel to Spain (1v10-13; 15v23-33)
(2) Though Paul has never visited Rome, he is well
informed about the church there (ch. 16) and likely wants to address some of
their issues. In particular, it seems there were tensions between Jews and
Gentiles in the church. Likely the church at Rome was originally mainly Jewish,
but the Emperor Claudius had ejected the Jews around AD 49 (Acts 18:2).
Gentiles would have taken on the leadership of the church. But then after
Claudius’ death in AD 54, some Jews had returned. One can imagine some
In summary, Paul writes to promote humble, loving, united
partnership in gospel mission both within the church and with himself.
Paul – an apostle (v1) – one who is
sent out with authority (cf. an ambassador)
The Apostolic Gospel:
Is this how you would summarise it?
The Gospel of God (v1)
Gospel = Good news, announcement of an epoch changing
event, e.g. the birth of a new king or a victory in battle
So as God’s gospel it is true and powerful. We are not to
tamper with it and we don’t need to
… promised beforehand through his prophets
in the Holy Scriptures (v2)
This helps to authenticate Paul’s gospel – it fulfils the
… about God’s Son (v3)
All about Jesus! A person not an “-ism” or merely rules
etc. A personal relationship of trust and obedience
… who as to his human nature was a
descendant of David (v4)
… and who through the Spirit of holiness (=
The Holy Spirit) was crowned / appointed the Son of God in power by his
resurrection from the dead (v4)
In his earthly ministry Jesus was the Son of God in
Christ = messiah, anointed one, the long promised
The response the gospel requires:
Jesus Christ calls all the nations to the
obedience of faith (vv5-6)
How are we responding to this gospel?
Do we recognise that this gospel is for all people?
This is the kind of gospel ministry to seek out, to
support (in prayer, financially, practically), to engage in.