As I
write, this week the newly restored bells have been returned to Warbleton
church – thankfully on schedule, as we had an important service in the church
today. Whilst the bells were away a significant amount of work has been done in
the tower. I haven’t seen the result myself yet, but I’m told some very
striking fire engine red paint was used. Indeed, apparently quite a bit of it
ended up on some of the volunteer work force!
completed job represents a tremendous achievement. A huge thank you to all
those who gave so generously of their time, skills and efforts. Because people
from the parish and beyond actually undertook some of the work, we saved a
considerable amount of money on the cost of the job. Many thanks too to all
those who worked so hard in fundraising and in securing grants, and all those
who gave so generously towards the project.
Myself I
very much enjoy hearing the church bells rung. I sometimes hear them as I walk Caleb
the dog around Rushlake Green, if the wind is in the right direction. I realise
that if you live next door to the church, a peal of bells might not always seem
so appealing!
There are precious
few mentions of bells in the Bible. (In Old Testament times the High Priest has
bells on his garments, if you want to know, and in the prophet Zechariah’s
vision of The Day of The LORD, we’re told that even the bells of the horses
will be inscribed ‘Holy to the Lord’).
Yet I
think one could make a theological case for bell-ringing.
I guess
the bells are meant to be a joyful invitation to everyone to come to worship.
To that we want to say a loud ‘Amen!’
And for
myself I think this public Christian call to prayer is no bad thing. It’s a
little reminder, perhaps, that the Christian faith isn’t something entirely
private or somehow “spiritual” and divorced from real life. After all,
Christians believe that in Jesus of Nazareth God Himself has gone public – He’s
broken in to human history and claims the allegiance of all people. That
affects all of life.
At the
rededication of the bells on Sunday, I intend to preach on the Apostle Paul’s 1st
letter to the Thessalonians, chapter 1 and verse 8, where Paul speaks of the
Lord’s message ringing out from the
Christians there. It’s great to have such a splendid ancient church building in
a beautiful location with a good set of newly refurbished bells, which we trust
will be rung well and frequently. But Paul’s great concern is that the good
news of people turning to Jesus for rescue and beginning to serve the true and
living God should ring out far and
wide (verses 9 and 10). Paul mentions three particular things which he thanks
God for in the Thessalonian Christians, things that we could pray for in
ourselves and in our churches:
produced by faith
prompted by love
inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ (verse 3).
It would
be great if our churches were known for such things. Not, to change the musical
metaphor, to blow our own trumpets. But because changed lives are such powerful
evidence of the transforming power of the Lord Jesus in our lives. No Christian
should ever have a holier than thou attitude. If we do our grasp of the gospel
is highly questionable. We are all sinners. But let’s pray that we might
honestly be able to say with John Newton, the former slave ship captain who
wrote the hymn Amazing Grace:
am not what I ought to be, I am not what I want to be, I am not what I hope to
be in another world; but still I am not what I once used to be, and by the
grace of God I am what I am