Sunday, February 16, 2025

1 Corinthians 13 - handout

1 Corinthians 13 (page 1153)

(John 15:9-17)


The Proper Pattern of Christian Spirituality and Community


·       “Love” 10x

·       Do we sometimes have a sentimental or superficial view of love which owes more to Hollywood that to Holy Scripture?

·       Not a passage the brides in Corinth would have chosen for their weddings!

·       The passage serves as a corrective: Christian love in contrast to the Corinthians’ very unloving competition and boasting etc. about spirituals gifts, knowledge etc. (cf. 8:1-3)


(1) The priority of love (vv1-3): Christian love is essential - spiritual gifts without love are just noise (v1); without love we are nothing (v2) and gain nothing (v3)


·       The greatest commandments (Mark 12:28-33)


(2) The properties and practice of Christian love (vv4-7): what love is and is not, does and does not do


·       15 qualities / actions that characterise love

·       7 tell us what love is / does

·       8 tell us what it is not / does not do


(3) The permanence of love: love abides when other gifts pass away (vv8-13)


·       Jesus – self-sacrificial love (cf. God is love 1 John 4:7-12)


·       So…? 14:1, pursue love



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