Sunday, July 14, 2024

1 Corinthians 5 - an outline / handout


The Necessity of Excommunication


Chapter 4: Being stewards of the grace of the cross means taking repentance and change seriously that we might be a holy covenant community


  • A shocking sin (v1)
  • The sinfulness of puffed-up acceptance / celebration of sin (v2)
  • A serious public clear unrepentant sinner should be “handed over to Satan” (vv3-5)


(1) For the sake of the salvation of his soul (v5)


(2) For the sake of the purity of the church’s Passover Feast (vv6-12)


Good news?




(The Book of Common Prayer Communion Service and The Canons of the Church of England - B 16 Of notorious offenders not to be admitted to Holy Communion)


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