Friday, June 14, 2024

Louise Perry and Mary Harrington on left and right, life and death


I know next to nothing about online feminism, Louise Perry and Mary Harrington, but I found their wide-ranging discussion on The Maiden Mother Matriarch podcast 84 ‘The Trouble with Modernity’ interesting.


We might say that modern people tend to be a bit like ancient magicians. They think they can master the world by technology. They do not welcome the world as it is with all its givens. They try to control and tame it.


But birth and death alike are things that happen to us. They are done to us and we must receive and endure them. We do not do them.


This seems intolerable to the modern person. We medicate our pain and eliminate it. We do not think that suffering is compatible with human dignity. So we choose when and how to give birth, and increasingly in the modern West we choose not to. And we say we must choose when and how to die, and be assisted if our suffering is too great.


(All this got me thinking about the cross too: voluntarily chosen suffering which is both a death and a birth).  


Perhaps this is a fundamental difference between left and right, progressive and conservatives. Do we think there are natural givens which we must accept, or is everything (life, death and the in-between) open to revolution? Do we receive the world on its own terms, or do we use it aggressively, seeking to master, control, change and tame it for our own ends?



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