Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Our motivation - 2 Corinthians 5:10-6:2
Our message - Romans 1 & 1 Corinthians 15
Our method - 2 Corinthians 4:1-10
Our manner - 1 Peter 3:15-16
Guard the Gospel
HT: DS @ SGP (again!)
Qualifications for Ministry
Ministers must be reliable (doctrinally and morally) and able (to teach).
Pictures of Reliability
The devoted soldier [or, one might say dedicated]
The disciplined athlete
The diligent farmer
The Pastor-Teacher's Job
The role of the Pastor-Teacher is not to monopolize ministry but to multiply ministry.
(Ephesians 4:11-13)
Monday, January 25, 2010
The Holy Spirit
I liked this:
The exalted Christ continuously acts for the Church's good by His Spirit through the Word.
And his distinction between Christ's omnipresence and his gracious presence, according to his relations with His people.
pp238f cited in Maclean, Lord's Supper, pp184-5.
Converted at the Ordinacne
If you are not in a position to take the bread and the cup, then take Christ! It is the best possible time to do business with him, no matter your spiritual condition or position.
Worship by the Book ed Carson (Zondervan, 2000) p234, cited in Maclean, The Lord's Supper, p181.
Sursum Corda
John Calvin, 'Form for Administering the Sacraments' in Treatises on the Sacraments (Christian Focus, reprint 2002), p121f; Institutes 4.17.36
Matthew Henry on John 11:41.
And, John Flavel on John 20 in The Fountain if Life, Discourse 40.
(cited in Maclean, Lord's Supper, p189f & n12, p256)
Priestcarft & superstition
It seems to me not entirely wrong to think of the minister as the representative of Christ, although of course he isn't Christ and we don't want ministers with Messiah-complexes or who are thought of as the Mediator between God and man.
A Faith to Live By (Christian Focus, 1998) p243 quoted in Maclean, The Lord's Supper p178
The Breaking of the Bread
Robert Shaw, Exposition of the Confession of Faith (Christian Focus, reprint 1998), pp355f. Quoted in Maclean, The Lord's Supper, p176
Alongside three other arguments in its favour, Robert L. Dabney says:
The breaking of the bread is plainly one of the sacramental role act, and should never be done beforehand, by others, nor omitted by the minister.... The proper significance of the sacrament requires it; for the Christ we commemorate is the Christ lacerated and slain.
Systematic Theology (Banner, 1878, repr. 1985) p802. Maclean, op cit.
The forgotten Supper
In no area of early church life among Christians is there greater uncertainty than in the matter of the Lord's Supper. It was not called by its New Testament titles such as the "breaking of bread," "the giving of thanks," and "the cup of blessing." The most common designation seemed to be the "Eucharist" (from the Greek word for praise or thanksgiving)... The fact is that no church father called it the Supper in a single instance and Pauline names for it ceased.
'The Lord's Supper in the Early Church - Part I: The Lord's Supper in the Second Century', Bibliotheca Sacra, 117:466, April 1960, p144 quoted in Maclean, The Lord's Supper, p173f - emphasis added
Isn't that remarkable?
Sunday, January 24, 2010
The miracle of assurance
William Cunningham, 'The Reformers and the Doctrine of Assurance' in The Reformers and the Reformation (Banner of Truth, 1862, repr. 1967) p113 cited in Maclean, Lord's Supper, p163
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Broken Britain?
Apparently not, in some places and in some ways.
Obviously so in others.
CAREFUL Marriage
This will involve:
Communication - bringing light
Affection - bringing warmth
Respect - bringing dignity
Encouragement - bringing hope
Forgiveness - bringing peace
Unselfishness - bringing joy
Loyalty - keeping love
3 Cheers for the Bishop of Chichester
Thursday, January 21, 2010
A famine
The Church in the Highlands (Hodder & Stoughton, 1914, p151) quoted in Maclean, Lord's Supper.
How stupid to think that certain vessels and linen are "necessary" to the Supper!
Guilty of the body and blood
Malcolm Maclean, The Lord's Supper (Mentor, 2009), p107 quoting Brown Discourses Suited to the Administration of the Lord's Supper (William Oliphant & Sons, 1816, repr. 1853) p66
Should we exile the kids?
You'd have to have guts to abolish the Sunday school and it'd be hard to keep your own kids in if everyone elses' were going out, but I think his biblical and theological arguments are persuasive.
In his church, only under 3s can go out for the sermon.
It's interesting to note that Sunday school during the morning service only goes back to the 50s and 60s.
Ground and fired
bread is prepared by being ground between millstones and baked in a fire, so Christ was ground between the upper of the Father's wrath and the lower millstone of the malice of men and devils, and then cast into the fiery furnace of justice;
Works, vol 2, 'The Nature of the Lord's Supper'
How's that for a bit of interpretative maximalism / natural symbolism etc.?
Wine is medicine and cheers. etc.
In what respect is Christ present and discernible in the sacrament?
Not simply considered as He is the Son of God, nor in respect of any benefit from Him as Mediator, neither simply as Redeemer; but He is held out as incarnate; and so this sacrament differs from the Jew's Passover, which held Him out as to come, while this holds Him out as having come... as suffering, as having his body broken... in respect of the end for which he suffered... as communicable, and in capacity to be participated of by us... [in reference to the Covenant].
The Unsearchable Riches of Christ (1764, reprinted 2002, Soli Deo Gloria) quoted in Maclean, Lord's Supper, p95
What is Sunday morning for?
Our gathering for worship is an exercise in covenant renewal, a weekly celebration of the resurrection, and a foretaste of the heavenly banquet to come.
Why We Love the Church by Kevin DeYoung and Ted Kluck stolen from blog of dan
Home Communions?
Bless the bread and the wine
That arch-Reformed Protestant document, The Westminster Confession of Faith, says that:
The Lord Jesus hath, in this ordinance, appointed his ministers ... to pray, and bless the elements of bread and wine, and thereby to set them apart from a common to a holy use;
(Chapter 29, Paragraph 3)
I imagine many contemporary evangelicals would be less fussed about the need for a minister or a prayer of consecration.
How can a loving God allow suffering (& Haiti)?
We had lots of fun discussion - e.g. does God (the Father) Suffer?!
How Can a Loving God Allow Suffering?
Towards a Christian Response to the
The so-called “problem of evil”:
How can an all-powerful loving God allow suffering?
Responses: (1) Question God’s love: perhaps he doesn’t care?
and / or
(2) Question God’s power: perhaps he can’t do anything about it?
A very common objection to the Christian faith (1 Pt 3:15)
God’s love
God’s power / sovereignty – Am 3:6
(The “problem” implies that God is morally obliged to prevent suffering like this if he can)
God must have a good (morally sufficient) reason for (allowing) suffering; even if we can’t understand it completely we have good grounds for trusting him
The big picture of the Bible:
God made a good world – suffering is not God’s “original” / prime intention
Human beings are responsible for rebelling against God
Building on fault lines, corrupt building practices, looting, gunfire, military protection required, wrong decisions, disagreements, failure to help
God’s curse on the created order (Gen 3:17)
The groaning of creation (Rm 8:22)
We all deserve hell
God cares about suffering and acts to save us from it
Jesus has suffered terribly – sympathises – Heb 4:15
God uses suffering for good
Death has lost its sting – 1 Cor 15:55-56 – death the gateway to glory for the believer
Final Judgement
God will punish all wrong doing
Suffering is a warning of the judgement to come. C. S. Lewis: “Suffering is God’s megaphone to rouse a deaf world” – Luke 13:1-5
Suffering teaches us the terrible seriousness of sin
New Creation
God will put the world to rights, put an end to suffering – Rev 21:4
God uses suffering in the life of the Christian for good as discipline – Heb 12:6, 10 – perseverance, character – Rm 5:3-4; James 1:3
Some suffering reveals God’s character – e.g. wrath – Rm 1:18ff; 9:22-24
Suffering is not necessarily directly connected to individual sin – Jn 9:1-2
Disasters Emergency Committee - - Call 0370 60 60 900
Charities working in
John Piper on the Tsunami -
Don A. Carson, How Long, O Lord? Reflections on Suffering and Evil (IVP / Baker, 1990)
Roger Carswell, Why Me? The Problem of Suffering (Authentic Media, 1993)
Paul Williams and Barry Cooper, If You Could Ask God One Question (Christianity Explored / The Good Book Company, 2007) chapter 10 “Why Do You Allow Suffering?”
John Dickson, If I Were God – I’d End All The Pain: Struggling With Evil, Suffering and Faith (Matthias Media / Good Book Company)
References to earthquakes: 1 Ki. 19:11f; Isa. 29:6; Ezek. 38:19; Amos 1:1; Zech. 14:5; Matt. 27:54; 28:2; Acts 16:26; Rev. 6:12; 8:5; 11:13, 19; 16:18 Matt. 24:7; Mk. 13:8; Lk. 21:11
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
What's the point?
To be fruitful and rule and subdue the earth.
Spiritual and natural children. To invite others into the family of God.
To disciple the nations. Obeying all that Jesus commanded.
The obedience that comes from faith.
To love God with heart, soul, mind and strength and neighbour as self.
To seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness.
To be engaged in the mission of God in the world.
An overflow of goodness and love.
Other ways of putting it?
More detail?
96.6% of Christians look forward to sermons!
HT: IC on Facebook
Stott & Calvin contra Evangelicalism!
I'm told John Stott also repeatedly argued in print for weekly communion, though they didn't do that in their main service at All Souls' Langham Place. I wonder why not?
Stott says in Your Confirmation(Hodder & S, 1958), p97:
The chief expression of fellowship between Christians is the Holy Communion service. It is the central service of the church.... The Acts of the Apostles suggest that every Sunday they met to "break bread". The Lord's Day was inconceivable without the Lord's Supper. Personally, I think we, too, should attend it every Sunday.
I imagine many Evangelicals, like me, would be surprised to know that the great John Stott thought that. Why have so few Evangelicals followed his lead in this?
(HT: LB)
I'm told that Alec Motyer also advocated weekly communion. (HT: JAC)
Monday, January 18, 2010
The Best Week of the Year!
We'd also love to hear from any Bible believing Christians who might be interested in serving as leaders.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
The Lord's Prayer in Ps
Priorities - "hallowed be your name, your kingdom come"
Provision please - "give us today our daily bread"
Pardon & pardoning - "forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us"
Protection - "lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil"
Praise / Perpetual Power - "for yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory for ever and ever. Amen."
Maybe from the context one could also talk about Pagan prattling prayer, Pharisaical posing prayer and Private prayer. The Lord's Prayer is a pattern prayer.
Other suggestions?
This can all get a bit silly, of course, but thanks to JR @ IME for getting us going on this!