I’m due to give an evangelistic talk on Jesus’ turning of water into wine (John 2) on Monday and am puzzling away over the significance of this first of Jesus’ signs and how much of it I should try to explain in 15 minutes over supper.
I fear that “interpretative maximalism” might seem like “making it up” to my hearers. The exegetical rabbits might seem to pop out of the hat. Looking at the text might be like squinting at one of those magic eye books: is the supposed picture really there? How much Bible-study-proof of every point is needed and how much of it can your average non-Christian bear without nodding off into the crème brulee?
Any thoughts (and illustrations!) most gratefully received.
My one sentence summary so far is already a bit of a mouthful. It might be something like:
Trust in the transforming power of Jesus’ perfect cleansing death and you can be confident of the great joy of God’s heavenly kingdom.
Here’s some of the way I got there:
This sign (v11) reveals Jesus’ glory (v11). Jesus’ glory in John’s gospel is above all his death (17:1). Jesus’ coming hour (v4) is his cross (7:6, 8, 30; 8:20; 12:23, 27; 13:1; 16:32; 17:1).
With the institution of the Lord’s Supper, wine will become a sign of the blood of Christ shed for many for the forgiveness of sins (Matthew 26:28).
The wine replaces the water of Jewish ceremonial purification (v6). The number 6 suggests the imperfection and incompleteness of ritual cleansing (in contrast to the perfect number 7).
The wedding feast is a biblical description of the great eschatological wedding feast of the lamb (Matthew 26:29; Revelation 19:7, 9).
Wine is suggestive of joy and gladness. It is a luxury for rejoicing. Jesus is no kill-joy.
Assuming all the water is turned into wine, Jesus produces an extravagant, abundant supply: about 150 gallons, 570 litres or 750 bottles (c.f. John 10:10).
Jesus makes better wine out of water than men can make out of grapes (v10). Jesus’ creative power is suggestive of the fact that he is God Himself.
The correct response to the sign is to believe in Jesus (v11; 20:31).
But how to try to say everything? I could speed-talk. Mmmm.