For anyone who would like to recap on last week's midweek meeting or have a look ahead to Wednesday's:
Homegroup Leaders Notes: 1 John
You might like to read
and deal with vv1-6 separately first.
Why do these verses suggest Christians need to
be discerning? Why is it necessary to “test the spirits”? (v1)
Because there are many
false prophets / teachers. (v1)
How do these suggest that we should “test the
spirits” / recognise true and false teaching / the Spirit of truth and the
spirit of falsehood?
John gives us a
doctrinal test: do they acknowledge that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh
(vv2-3). Of course true prophets / teachers / spirits will always acknowledge
this, but John probably fixes on this here as it is something the false teachers
are denying.
V6: the “us” is
probably the Apostles cf. 1:1-4, 19. Those who are from God accept the
Apostle’s teaching. This is preserved for us in the New Testament. (What is
said in the verse would still be true if we included all the apostolic churches
in the “us” of v6. All those who are from God receive true teaching).
What comfort does verse 4 give us in the face
of false teaching?
God is greater than
the spirit of the antichrist.
Can you think of ways in which we might be
tempted to accommodate our teaching to the “viewpoint of the world” so that
people might listen to us (v5)?
Maybe saying that all
religions are ways to God, downplaying sin and judgement, assigning the same
roles to men and women, affirming practicing homosexuality, prosperity gospel
promises of health and wealth etc.
Why should we love one another?
V7 because love comes
from God and we have been born of God. Similarly, v16b.
V11. Because of God’s
love for us we ought to love one another. Similarly, v19.
God has commanded it
(If you didn’t use the
“what do people in our culture think love is” etc. question last time, you
could use it here in contrast to vv9&10)
How should we love one another? What should our
love be like?
Our love should be
like God’s love for us, supremely demonstrated in Jesus (v9-10). God’s love is
costly (he gave his Son) and undeserved (“not that we loved God”, v10).
Since God is unseen (v12), how can we know he
loves us?
We have seen (v14)
that he sent his Son to be the Saviour of the world. See also vv9-10.
How can we know that we are Christians?
Because he has given
us the Spirit (v13). Notice that all believers have the Spirit. If we
acknowledge that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in us (v15)
Why can the Christian be without fear? What
does the Christian not fear? (vv17-18)
We have confidence on
the day of judgement (v17). Perfect love drives out fear of punishment (v18),
though of course we fear God in the sense of being in awe of him, showing
reverence, respect and honour for him.
Why do verses 20 and 21 suggest it’s incredible
to say we love God if we do not love fellow Christians?
Love of God and love
of fellow Christians go together. God has commanded us to love fellow
Christians and if we love him we’ll obey his commands (5:3). In some ways it is
easier to love a Christian we have seen than God whom we cannot see – easier to
show our love in practice. Our love for the unseen God is seen in our love for
his family, the church. Loving fellow Christians is a way of expressing our
love for God.
You could encourage
members to re-read the whole letter in time for next week’s study and think
about: What does John say about why he’s written? (2:1, 16; 5:13) How has what
we’ve read helped to fulfil those aims? What has struck you from the letter /
would you like to hold on to from it? And use some time next week to review and
Summary points / applications / for prayer
& praise:
Pray for true teachers
and teaching in the church and that we might recognise and reject false
teachers and teaching, not seeking to accommodate our teaching to what people
want to hear.
Give thanks for God’s
love for us and the confidence it gives us.
Pray for God’s help to
love fellow Christians – especially any you find difficult.
Homegroup Leaders Notes (7) 1
John 5:1-21
What characteristics of the children of God
does verse 1 give us?
What does it mean / look like in practice to
love God? (vv2-3)
What encouragements do verses 3-5 give us?
From 2:15-17 and the context here, what might
it mean to “overcome the world”?
See also 4:4
There are various
theories about what John means by “the water and the blood” (v6). Some see it
as a reference to John 19:34-35, where water and blood flow from Jesus’ side.
According to John Stott, it is most satisfactory to take “water as referring to the baptism of Jesus, at which He was
declared the Son and commissioned and empowered for his work, and blood to His death, in which His work
was finished.” (Tyndale Commentary, IVP, p178). The false teachers may have
held that Jesus was an ordinary man on whom the “Christ” descended at his
baptism and departed before the cross.
What reasons does John give us for believing
(vv7-10) that Jesus is the Son of God (v5)?
Cf. Dt 19:15 which gives
a legal rule that for a conviction “a matter must be established by the
testimony of two or three witnesses.”
What confidence do we have in prayer? Vv14-15.
What condition does verse 14 give for God hearing
our prayers? What does that mean?
Cf. also Mk 14:36; The
Lord’s Prayer; 3:21-22.
How should we react if we see a Christian fall
into sin? v16
The “sin that leads to
death” is probably continued rejection of Christ. The false teachers are
committing such apostasy (2:18-19; Cf. Heb 6:4-6; 10:26-29; Mk 3:29). John has
already told us that if we are trusting in Jesus all sins are forgiven (1:9).
What does John say that “we know” in vv18-20?
How should this knowledge affect our lives?
How does John describe the purpose of his
letter in verse 13?
How has his letter served that purpose? How has
the letter helped you to know that as a believer you have eternal life?
John has given us a
number of ways to recognise true believers: they believe in Jesus
Especially relevant verses
include: 4:15; 5:1; 2:10; 3:10, 14, 18-19; 2:3-6; 3:24; 4:13; 1:9; 2:1-2; 4:9-10;
What have we learnt / been reminded of by 1
(see summary points
from previous studies for some examples)
Summary points / for prayer & praise:
Pray that we would
love God and his children and obey his commandments.
Give thanks to God for
the victory over the world that he gives to all who trust in Jesus.
Give thanks for the
assurance and confidence that we can have because of God’s testimony.
Give thanks that God
hears our prayers.
Pray (perhaps on your
own at home?) for any Christians you know who have fallen into sin.
Give thanks for all
that we’ve learnt from 1 John and pray that we’d live in the light of it.