From Anecdote To Evidence: Findings from the Church
Growth Research Programme 2011-3
1 Corinthians 3:6
My summary
of some of the most interesting / relevant bits
C of E - Church
Commissioners & Archbishop’s Council – towards evidence based decision
Where is there numerical growth and why? But N.B. correlation
not necessarily causation
“There is no single recipe for growth;
there are no simple solutions to decline. The road to growth
depends on the context, and what works in one place may not work in another. What
seems crucial is that congregations
are constantly engaged in reflection; churches cannot soar on autopilot.
Growth is a product of good
leadership (lay and ordained) working with a willing set of churchgoers in a favourable environment.”
Overall statistics show a
decline of 9% in all age average weekly attendance over the past decade. 18% of
churches grew; 55% remained stable and 27% declined.
Factors associated with growth:
Good leadership especially motivating, envisioning and
innovating but also engaging with outsiders, training in ministry and mission
and some of the factors mentioned elsewhere
A clear mission and purpose
Willingness to self-reflect, to change and adapt according to
context. Deliberate choices.
Involvement of lay members including younger and more recent
members and some change in roles
Being intentional in prioritising growth, in chosen style of
worship and in nurturing disciples
A church with no children or under 16s is very likely to be in
decline. Churches which offer programmes for children and teenagers are more
likely to grow. Churches with children
and young people are twice as likely to grow. Worship services designed for
children, youth programmes and church schools are associated with growth. ¾ of churches
that offer retreats, conferences or camps for youth report growth, against half among those who do
not. “There is an urgent need to focus on children, young people and their
parents and a challenge to identify how the church can best invest in people, programmes
and strategies which will encourage young people actively to continue exploring
faith.” Employing a youth / children’s worker is associated with growth. Engaging
young people around adolescence and early adulthood is crucial. Evidence shows
that those who belong in their 20s will probably stay for the rest of their
lives – but if they don’t, it will be hard to bring them in. Decline in church
attendance is not mainly because adults stop going, they never start going in the
first place. The challenge could be seem as to reach and especially retain
children and young people.
The strategy of grouping
multiple churches together under one leader has in general had a detrimental
effect on church growth. Multi-church amalgamations and teams are less likely
to grow. Churches are more likely to grow when there is one leader for one
community. More churches makes decline more likely. In larger amalgamations,
clergy tend to focus on admin, buildings and sustaining Sunday worship, which
can distract from factors associated with growth.
Consistency and clarity over the chosen style of worship and
chosen theological tradition wholeheartedly adopted are associated with growth.
Attendance is often highest as a proportion of the population in
rural areas where growth is hard to achieve.
There is a strong correlation between those clergy who
prioritise numerical growth and those clergy whose churches grew in numbers.
Successful churches say “let’s have a go!”, try different
initiatives as an experiment, invest in what works, drop what doesn’t.
Growing churches actively engage with those who don’t come to
church and the wider community.
Churches that use Facebook and other social media are more
likely to be growing!
Good welcome and follow up of visitors is important. The most
direct route to growth comes from members inviting and welcoming family,
friends and acquaintances.
Growing churches offer evangelistic, discipleship & ministry
training courses.
Expressions such as Messy Church
have been an important area of growth.
Churches with fewer than 30 members have the best rates of
growth. Churches from 50-300 members tend to decline. Churches over 300 tend to
Other factors that contribute to decline:
Burdensome buildings though improving the building can
contribute to growth.
Stagnation, doing things by default rather than deliberate
choice, which brings variety and vitality.
Clergy characteristics such as “empathising”, “persisting” and
“managing” are less helpful for growth. Clergy must be flexible and sometimes push
people to change.
Church members unwilling to change or get involved or leaving
everything to the clergy.