Tuesday, April 13, 2021

The Third Sunday of Easter (Year B) Acts 3 and Luke 24 Headings and Jottings

 There are of course many ways to skin a cat or to preach a Bible passage, which is good news for Lectionary preachers! I seem to have preached on Acts 3:12-19 and Luke 24:36-48 at least once before in living memory, so here are one or two headings which might be of use. 

ACTS 3:12-19

 (1) What the people have done (v13b-15): rejected and killed the author of life

 (2) What God has done (v13, vv15b-18): glorified and raised Jesus from the dead

 (3) What the people should do (v19): repent and turn to God

(4) What God will do (v19): wipe out their sins and send times of refreshment


 The people’s 4-fold dishonouring of Jesus:

(1) You handed him over to be killed

(2) You disowned him before Pilate

(3) You disowned the Holy and Righteous One and asked for a murderer to be released to you

(4) You killed the author of life

Chris Green, The Word of His Grace (IVP) p60 – the content of Peter’s preaching

The facts – you killed him, God raised him, we saw him (vv13-15)

The offer – forgiveness and the Holy Spirit (vv16-19)

The reason – the return of Christ (vv20-23)

The response – repentance and faith (vv24-26)

LUKE 24:36-48

Luke wants us to be certain of the things we have been taught.


(1) We can be certain that Jesus has achieved peace with God for us (v36)


(2) We can be certain that Jesus really rose physically from the dead (vv37-39)


(3) We can be certain that Jesus perfectly fulfilled the Old Testament Scriptures (vv44-45)


(4) We can be certain that Jesus will equip us to be his witnesses, to proclaim repentance and forgiveness of sins in Jesus’ name to all the nations (vv46-51)


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