Thursday, April 15, 2021

1 John 2 and 3 Midweek Meeting notes

 If you'd like a little re-cap on last night's study or you'd like to look ahead to next week:

From Wed 21st April we're going to meet a little later at 7:45pm via Zoom. 

(3) 1 John 2:15-27


In this section John contrasts the world and the Christian (vv15-17) and antichrists and the Christian (vv18-27).


What does John mean when he tells us not to “love the world” (v15)? (How does this fit with verses such as John 3:16, which speak of God’s love for the world?)

“World” here is society and culture organised without and in opposition to God. We are to love the good world God has created, but we are not to be “worldly” in our thinking. See James 4:4. Neither are we to be engrossed in this passing world. Above all we are to love God.

How does John describe “the world”? How would you put these attitudes and activities in your own words? Can you think of examples of worldly thinking or behaviour?

V16. It seems to involve our sinful nature within and temptations from outside, as well as pride – ways our world might celebrate or justify sin.

Why is worldly thinking inappropriate for the Christian? How does John encourage us to avoid it?

Love of the world is opposed to love of the Father (v15) and does not come from God (v16). The world is passing away (v17).


The term “antichrist” is unique to John’s letters (see also 4:3; 2 John 7). The man of lawlessness (2 Thessalonians 2) may be the same figure. The antichrists are probably the same people as the false prophets on 4:1.


Specifically what do the false teachers seem to have been denying?

V22 – “that Jesus is the Christ”, that is, the anointed one / Messiah, the promised rescuer king of the Old Testament. (See also 4:2-3; and 2 John 7 for what they might have taught). This is the lie (cf. v4).


How does verse 19 suggest we can spot false teachers / teaching? What do false teachers characteristically do?

False teachers do not remain with the Apostles’ teaching, which is preserved in the New Testament.

Can you spot a repeated word or idea in vv19, 24 and 27? What is the contrast here?

The false teachers did not remain with the apostolic church (v19) but John’s readers are to make sure the truth they have heard from the beginning remains in them that they may remain in the Son and in the Father (v24) as the anointing remains in them and teaches them to remain in Jesus (v27).


Why is it important that what we have heard from the beginning remains in us? (v24)

If it does, we will remain in the Father and the Son and have the eternal life he has promised. Remember that believing in Jesus brings real fellowship with the Father and the Son (1:3).

How can we make sure what we have heard from the beginning remains in us? (v24)

Don’t put up with false teaching. Seek out and pay attention to good Bible teaching – books / other resources. Group Bible study! We’ll need the Spirit’s help…


What helps us to remain in the truth? V27

The anointing we have received from God (v20), presumably the Holy Spirit. Maybe the false teachers were claiming some special kind of anointing. John reassures his readers that as Christians they all have the Spirit’s anointing.

Notice how these verses hold together the Word (the apostles’ message) and the Spirit (this anointing), who helps us to understand and receive the Word.


Does v27 mean we don’t need Bible teachers?

John can’t mean that as he is teaching them himself! Perhaps the point is that we don’t need any teaching other than the Apostles’, recorded for us in the Bible. Teachers who explain and apply God’s word to us will help us but we are not to seek after new / esoteric revelation. We have the truth publicly preserved for us in the Bible.


Summary Points / Prayer / Praise / Application

Don’t love “the world” / think in worldly ways.

Stick with the Jesus of the Bible and the Apostles’ teaching about him. Don’t be lead astray by false teaching.

(4) 1 John 2:28-3:10


What does John tell his readers to do in this passage? What does that mean?

v28 Cf. 2:24

Why should we do it (v28)?

What categories does our passage divide people into? (v10).

How does the passage characterise / describe real Christians? How can real Christians be known / identified? What do real Christians do?

vv1-2, v29, v10

The same questions can be asked negatively: how does the passage suggest false believers or teachers can be identified?


What incentives / reasons / arguments for godly living does the passage give?

V3; 2v29, 3vv2-3; v5, v8; v9

How does verse 2 describe the Christian hope?

How does verse 3 suggest that hope should affect us now? What’s the logic?

How / why do vv5-6 suggest that continuing to live in sin is incompatible with Christian faith? What was the purpose of Jesus’ coming? Vv5, 8.

Do Christians in fact continue to sin?

 Cf. 1:8.

So what does John mean when he says that “no-one who continues to sin” knows Jesus (vv6, 9)?

Summary points / applications / for prayer & praise:

Praise God for the confidence we have in Christ (v28).

Praise God for his great love and for the privilege of being his children (v1), and our glorious future (v2).

Pray that we would remain in Jesus (v28) and not be lead astray (v7).

Pray that we would never be satisfied with our sin but that we would repent of it and seek to be more like the Lord Jesus. Confess any known sins to God and repent of them.

Praise God that Jesus has taken away our sins (v5) and destroyed the work of the devil (v8).

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