Tuesday, April 13, 2021

1 John 2vv15-27

After an Easter break, we are resuming our midweek meeting Wed 14th April 7:30pm via Zoom. We're going to look at 1 John 2:15-27. There's no expectation of preparation, but if you wanted to think about it ahead of time, you might find the following useful:

 Homegroup Leaders Notes (3) 1 John 2:15-27


In this section John contrasts the world and the Christian (vv15-17) and antichrists and the Christian (vv18-27).


What does John mean when he tells us not to “love the world” (v15)? (How does this fit with verses such as John 3:16, which speak of God’s love for the world?)

See James 4:4. 

How does John describe “the world”? How would you put these attitudes and activities in your own words? Can you think of examples of worldly thinking or behaviour?


Why is worldly thinking inappropriate for the Christian? How does John encourage us to avoid it?


The term “antichrist” is unique to John’s letters (see also 4:3; 2 John 7). The man of lawlessness (2 Thessalonians 2) may be the same figure. The antichrists are probably the same people as the false prophets on 4:1.


Specifically what do the false teachers seem to have been denying?

V22 –  (See also 4:2-3; and 2 John 7 for what they might have taught (cf. v4).


How does verse 19 suggest we can spot false teachers / teaching? What do false teachers characteristically do?

Can you spot a repeated word or idea in vv19, 24 and 27? What is the contrast here?


Why is it important that what we have heard from the beginning remains in us? (v24)

See also 1:3.

How can we make sure what we have heard from the beginning remains in us? (v24)


What helps us to remain in the truth? V27

See also v20

Does v27 mean we don’t need Bible teachers?


Summary Points / Prayer / Praise / Application

Don’t love “the world” / think in worldly ways.

Stick with the Jesus of the Bible and the Apostles’ teaching about him. Don’t be lead astray by false teaching.


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