Tuesday, December 29, 2020


 One of the most basic things we need to grasp is a kind of "giveness". 

All life is a gift. That's wonderful. 

But it also comes with limits, a shape, a given form and with consequent obligations. 

I can't be whoever I want to be if my wants don't respect my prior giveness. 

This has implications for the beginning and end of life. And for the body and gender and sexuality and many other things. 

It is right that to an extent I respect your individual autonomy and your right to choose. But I must also recognise that my choices must respect my creator and my judge and have implications for you and others. God has placed us in families and communities. We have a prior given history and our choices and actions will also sow a communal destiny. 

Be whoever you want to be, do whatever you want to do could have some pretty dark consequences for you, for those near you and for society. 

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