Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Don't follow your passion

 I happened to see on the interweb yesterday a persuasive exhortation to young people that they should not necessarily follow their passion as their career. 

However, the speaker suggested that in fact the young people ought to find what they are good at and work hard at it until they become excellent at it. 

Well, maybe, it all depends. 

By definition, only a few people can be excellent. Most people will be, well, more or less average. 

And that would be fine. Good. 

There are more important things that being rich or famous or making a contribution to science or literature or....

Love God. Love your neighbour. And do what you reasonably can to feed yourself and your family and have something to save and give away. 

It may be that you pursue your passions through your leisure time and that your great contribution to the good of society is something very quiet and ordinary or only seen in the lives of your great great grandchildren. Many great breakthroughs are entirely unplanned and come along the way.  

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