Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Patient Martyrs

 Our generation, as much as any other, requires patient martyrs. 

A martyr is one who bears witness. She is willing to die for something greater than herself. In principle she embraces death because she is always willing to say no to herself so that she might say yes to God. 

But there can be a selfish vain glorious seeking of martyrdom which is more about me than the cause. In a way, death can sometimes be easier than patiently enduring suffering. It offers a way out. The grand gesture can appeal to some who ought to plod on in quiet faithfulness. 

Let us be ready to die if they come for us and always willing to speak up with gentleness and respect if wisdom suggests there is an opportunity or a need. But let us not grasp at the martyrs crown before our Saviour calls time. 

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