Sunday, April 07, 2019

Psalm 126 - a handout

 Psalm 126 (page 623)

Sorrow & Singing

How do you feel?

Sadness (v1, vv4-6) and / or Happiness? (vv2-3, vv5-6)

(1) REMEMBER with gratitude that God restored his people in the past (vv1-3)

Vv1, 4 – captivity (literal or metaphorical?)? / restoration?

V1 – It is as if God did it (for us) while we were asleep!

We had to pinch ourselves! It was like a dream come true!

The Exodus – the people stood and watched as God saved them!

The return from exile in Babylon?

The death and resurrection of Jesus

The logical connection between (1) and (2): AND SO…

(2) PRAY with confidence that God would restore his people in the future (vv4-6)

The “Negev” (v4) – means “dry” / “barren” – the southern desert region towards Sinai

“streams in the Negev” (v4) – a sudden “act of God”, like a miracle, new life, dramatic transformation

Sowing (vv5-6) – hard work, slow long-term hope

The resurrection hope of heaven and The New Creation

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