Sunday, April 07, 2019

Psalm 126 - various outlines / headings

Motyer, Psalms by the Day:

Tension. Now and not yet: laughter and tears

Joy: what Yahweh has done (vv1-3)

Longing: what Yahweh will yet do – prayer and answer (vv4-6)

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Motyer, Journey: Psalms for Pilgrim People

 Instant coffee and stalactites: Living with God’s tensions

Satan, the idealist

Past and present

A1 (v1) Restoration

(a) The work of the Lord

(b) His sole work, without human contribution

B1 (v2) Voices in response

(a) The vocal joy of the recipients

(b) The observing world

A2 (vv3-4) Restoration

(a) Joy in what the Lord has done (v3)

(b) Prayer for more of the same (v4)

B2 (vv5-6) Another voice: A promise doubled

(a) Tears and joy, sorrow and reaping

(b) Weeping and joy, seed and sheaves

Miracle and providence

Praying for more

Waiting for miracle, living with providence

Instant coffee and stalactites

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“It was like a dream!”

Joy re-lived (vv1-3)

Joy re-claimed (vv4-6)

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Something clear (restoration, vv1, 4), something obscure (but how are the two halves of the Psalm related?)

Something quick (flood), something slow (farming)

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Weeping and Laughter

Vv1-3, The recollection

Vv4-6, The prayer built on the recollection

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The Expositor’s Bible Commentary:

The restoration is here!

Joy of God’s people (vv1-2a)

Proclamation among the nations (v2b)

Thanksgiving (v3)

Prayer (v4)

Assurance of prayer answered (vv5-6)

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Leading captivity captive

A narrative (vv1-2)

A song (v3)

A prayer (v4)

A promise (v5)

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