Sunday, March 24, 2019

Psalm 63 handout

Mrs Lloyd tells me that as usual I have possibly over complicated it, so maybe it should have just said:


But here it is:

PSALM 63 (page 579)

Seeking, Satisfied, Singing, Secure?

John 1:38, Jesus asks: “What are you seeking?”

The Psalmist’s situation: maybe 1 Samuel 21-31 perhaps more likely 2 Samuel 15-17 (Title)

The Psalmist’s soul seriously seeks after God (v1)

The Psalmist has seen God and his splendid strength in the sanctuary (v2)

The Psalmist’s soul is satisfied in God (v5) and sings his praises (vv3-6f)

Acts 16:25

The Psalmist is secure in the shadow of God’s wing (v7f) and all who seek his life will be silenced (v9ff, esp. v11)

Romans 3:19


Our Saviour, the Anointed Messiah, the Davidic king (v11)

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