Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Talk & Sermon Archive

We're gradually building up an audio library of sermons and talks on our church website.

Amongst other things, as well as my plodding through John's gospel, you can hear the vicar, Rev'd John Cheeseman (of Banner of Truth fame) on Eph 4-5, the life of Elijah and soon the Sermon on the Mount.

There are also some talks by Rev'd Tony Baker who is a retired member of our congregation.

Soon there should be Rev'd Andrew Cornes on "Why Bother to Get Married?" and Bishop Peter Brain (author of Going The Distance) on "Thanksgiving as an Antidote the Discouragement".

I especially thought some people might be interested in these talks - which are especially inteded to be accessible to non-Christians - by my predecessor as curate, Rev'd Jeremy Hobson (who is also a medical doctor).

'Why do bad things happen to good people?’

‘Is abortion ever right?’

‘Euthanasia – a good way to die?’

‘Dealing with depression’

‘What about stem cell research?’

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:36 am

    Hi Marc,

    Jeremy did a longer version of his abortion talk recently at our church. The mp3 and accompanying powerpoint are available on my blog here:
