Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Celery, anyone?

God willing, I'll be preaching at our family service on Sunday on 1 Corinthians 9:24-27. I thought the imagery of a race might be appropriate for the end of the Sunday school year with its ideas of what's behind and what's ahead and moving on to a new stage of the journey of life, and so on. And of course its topical with the Olympics just around the corner.

Leon Morris argues in the Tyndale commentary (I guess uncontroversially?) that Paul has in mind the Isthmian Games which were held every two years at Corinth.

According to Morris the "crown" at the Isthmian games was at various times a wreath made of pine or celery.

Should I be making a crown of celery by way of an illustrative prop? And if so, how?!


  1. If only you'd thought of it earlier, I'd have made you one at the weekend...

  2. Ah, thank you, Ros. Mrs Lloyd has invested in some celery. I reckon if it were cut into 6 shortish sticks and sewn together that might do the job nicely!
