Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Preaching Plans

I wish I didn't have to commit myself to these so far in advance; I'm not quite sure what the titles are for and I don't think I've come up with very good ones, but here are my Sunday preaching plans for September - December 08. The Lord's Prayer in the mornings and more on John's Gospel in the evening. Then its the 10 Commandments in the morning, I think.

Any tips or pointers to good resources always most welcome, of course!

Sept 7th AM – Lord’s Prayer II – Mt 5:5-15

Sept 21st PM – John 3:13-36 – The most famous verse in the Bible

Oct 5th AM – Lord’s Prayer III – Mt 5:5-15

Oct 26th PM – John 4:1-26 – The Drinks are on Jesus

Nov 2nd AM – Lord’s Prayer IV – Mt 5:5-15

Nov 30th PM – John 4:27-42 – Jesus’ Secret Food Supply

Dec 14th AM – Toy Family Service (I did the gifts of the Magi last year, so not sure what to do this year!)

Dec 24th 4pm – Crib Service

Dec 25th AM – Christmas Day


  1. I've enjoyed Philip Ryken's book on the Lord's Prayer, When You Pray. And Tom Wright's, The Lord and His Prayer. I like France and Davis & Allison's commentaries. Keller has some sermons on the Lord's prayer (available to download, for a price from the redeemer sermon store) - it's a long time since I listened to them, but I remember them being very good.

    On John, I really enjoy Thomas L. Brodie's commentary (OUP); he uses a literary approach, and is often very rich - sees stuff that others miss. on the St John's TW website you can hear what I made of Jn 4, and, more importantly, 2 wonderful sermons by William Taylor on Jn 3 & 4. Again, i think it's worth checking if Keller's preached on the passages - his sermon on 2.1-11 is excellent.

  2. Anonymous4:59 pm

    When you get onto the Decalogue you may wish to sing Psalm 81 and 95. Why? Try this. ;-)
