Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Preaching the Trinity

God willing, I'll be preaching on the doctrine of the Trinity on Trinity Sunday morning (18/5/08).

Any tips or pointers to resources / sermons, esp. free ones on line, gratefully received.

What do you think the most important things to say are?

What are the leading practical applications of the doctrine of the Trinity?

I've chosen John 17:1-26 as the reading, but I guess that isn't immutable.

In the evening the vicar is planning to preach on 'Why the Trinity?' using 1 Peter 1:1-2 but I don't know in detail what he intends to say.

I've got hold of Robert Letham, The Holy Trinity in Scripture, History, Theology and Worship (P&R, 2004) and I'm hoping to spend some time with that in my preparation. His part 4 deals with some "Critical Issues":

The Trinity and the Incarnation

The Trinity, Worship, and Prayer

The Trinity, Creation, and Missions

The Trinity and Persons


  1. Anonymous1:29 pm

    Mark Driscoll recently preached a sermon called 'Trinity: God is' online at http://www.marshillchurch.org/sermonseries/doctrine/week_01.aspx

  2. Donald Macleod has a fabulous little book on the Trinity called Shared Life. One of the best (and shortest) doctrine books I've ever read.

  3. Oh, and I meant to say, Macleod is particularly excellent on the applications of the Trinity.

  4. Thanks, both.

    Yes, I've got that book, Ros, and I think I've even read it, but I must admit I'd forgotten it.

    Have to see if I can find it. Must get my books into some kind of order! Maybe I could commission Dawn to rearrange them. At least I find Library Thing useful now in checking what I own!

  5. Hi Marc,

    Here's the first of those Mike Reeves' trinity talks:


    There's another 3 after this one but for fear of being marked a spammer I'll let you dig those out yourself. Enjoy... when you have a kairos
