Monday, May 05, 2008

Water into Wine

Some jottings for my sermon (in my series in John) on Water into Wine (2:1-11).

The audio version should appear on the Holy Trinity, Eastbourne sermon page in due course.

The text of my handout went like this:

Jesus at a party (10:10)

--> Christians should be cheerful & fun-loving

The significance of the sign (v11)

Our resources fail (v3) but Jesus satisfies (4:13-14)

Jesus the perfect Bridegroom (3:29), the Second Adam

Jesus’ amazing transforming power

generous, extravagant, abundant provision (v6)

“you have saved the best till now” (v10; 1:16-17)

An act of (New) Creation – transformation / resurrection (v1)

Jesus’ hour (v4; 7:6; 8:20; 12:23-24; 32-33; 13:1; 17:1) and glory (v11) – the cross

Jesus’ blood cleanses us from sin (v6)

The Wedding Supper of the Lamb (Rev 19:7-9)

Our response?

--> Invite Jesus

--> Accept Jesus’ invitation

--> his disciples put their faith in him” (v11) - trust

--> “Do whatever he tells you” (v5) – obedience

--> What do you want to drink? Water or wine?


  1. That sounds strangely familiar. Almost like something one might expect DF to preach at wedding, wouldn't you say?

  2. Mrs Lloyd and I re-listened to the tape the night before the sermon, actually.

    I hope the good people of Eastbourne didn't find the Adam typology, Jesus is the True Bridegroom too much of a stretch of the imagination.

    I can't remember whether David made the point that its the 3rd day, resurrection day. I suggested wine is a bit like resurrected (transformed and glorified, eschatological, end-time, rest, work-done, evening-time) drink too.

    Would like to check the ancient Xian commentary and see if any of this gets a mention.
