Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Camp Teaching Scheme

On our camp this year we're planning to do some edited highlights of John's gospel, going sequentially through the book (with an introductory talk from the last page first), alternating between main talks in the evenings and dorm group Bible studies in the mornings.

There are lots of ways of skinning this cat and some of my choices are a bit random, but it migt go something like this:

(1) Sat

Talk: 20:24-31, The Purpose of John’s Gospel

(2) Sun

Study: 1:1-14, The incarnation

Talk: 1:15-34, John the Baptist’s Witness

(3) Mon

Study: 1:35-51, The first disciples

Talk: 2:1-11, The first sign

(4) Tues

Study: 3:1-15, You must be born again

Talk: 3:16-21, Why did Jesus come?

(5) Wed

Study: 6:1-24, Feeding 5000 and walking on water

Talk: 6:25-59, The Bread of Life

(6) Thurs

Study: 12:20-36, Jesus predicts his death

Talk: 18:28-19:16a, Jesus & Pilate

(7) Fri

Study: 19:16b-27, The crucifixion

Talk: 19:28-37, The death of Jesus

(8) Sat

Talk: 19:38-20:23
, The resurrection

I’ve included some quite long passages. Speakers and Bible study leaders should use their discretion and cut parts of the reading if that seems the best way to focus on the main thing(s) / thrust.

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