Thursday, January 17, 2008

Calvin on Lord's Supper Bibliography

I’ve been toiling away today at a bibliography for Calvin’s doctrine of the Lord’s Supper. I could have saved myself plenty of work if I’d done some more Googling earlier.

Dr Keith A. Mathison (author of Given For You: Reclaiming Calvin’s Doctrine Of The Lord’s Supper (Phillipsburg, P & R Publishing, 2002)) has an extensive bibliography for an ThM seminar he taught on the subject at Reformed Theological Seminary in January 2006 online here.

The only things I have to add are:

Ferguson, Sinclair, “Calvin on the Lord’s Supper and Communion with Christ” in David Wright and David Stay (editors), Serving the Word of God: Celebrating the Life and Ministry of James Philip (Mentor, 2002)

Wolterstorff, Nicholas, “Not Presence But Action: Calvin on Sacraments” Perspectives 9 Mr 1994, pp16-22

Zachman, Randall C., Image and Word in the Theology of John Calvin (Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 2007)

Update (31/1/08):

While I was at it, I should also have Googled Calvin bibliography and I would have come up with The Calvin College Meeter Center Calvin Bibliography.

Tony Lane also had a ‘Guide to Calvin Literature’ published in Vox Evangelica 17 (1987) 35-47.

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