Thursday, January 17, 2008

The illusion of progress?

As the PhD might be a very long time in emerging, I feel I ought to demonstrate I've been doing something on Thursdays since August. Mainly typing out bits of Calvin. Here are some notes on his doctrine of the Lord's Supper from Institutes of the Christian Religion Library of Christian Classics Volumes XX and XXI edited by John T. McNeill, translated by Ford Lewis Battles (London / Philadephia, SCM / The Westminster Press, 1960) and Calvin: Theological Treatises Library of Christian Classics Volume XXII, Translated with Introduction and Notes by J. K. S. Reid (London / Philadelphia, SCM Press / Westminster Press, 1954) - (Word document, 19350words, 45pp).


  1. Hello Marc,
    Found your bibliography at Geocities. Maybe you already updated it but I've two additions:

    1- ‘The Function of the Words of Institution in the Celebration of the Lord's Supper’ by Ros Clarke (

    - ‘Last Supper / Lord’s Supper: More Than a Parable in Action?’ by Melvin Tinker
    Themelios 26.2 (Spring 2001): 18-28. (

    Gerrit van Valen
    also working at speech act theory, though not on Supper.

  2. Thanks very much, Gerrit. I was at college with Ros and have read her paper. And I've come across Melvin Tinker's work on the Supper but I'm not sure I've read that actual article. Must check...



  3. Gosh. Somebody in Utrecht has read my paper. I was going to leave a comment on (one of) Gerrit's blog(s) but they're all in Dutch. ;)
