Thursday, January 17, 2008

English (Any!)

Almost anyone who's ever read anything I've written will know that I'm badly in need of a good spell checker.

Using the Word spell checker just now, I was quite often puzzled as to which of the correction options I was actually originally aiming for!

Anyway, what I wanted to say was that it would be handy if Word had an "English (Any)" option, so that one didn't have to choose between UK & US spellings. If you've got a document with lots of quotations its sometimes a job to work out whether the original used English or American spellings. And if your American spelling is even worse than your English spelling, are you then meant to as Word to switch dictionaries each time? Being lazy I tended to allow "s"s or "z" and willingly overlook "u"s, and so on.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mark,

    Slightly less onerous than changing spell checker each time: you can select the quotation and set the language of that text. Tools|Language|Set Language.

    You could probably write a macro to do it for you or something.

    I'd normally at this point say something like "But if you had any sense you wouldn't be using Word. You'd use Nota Bene", but sadly user-friendly spell checking isn't one of its strengths.
