Saturday, September 08, 2007

Day out in Lewes

I've the long weekend off. I was supposed to be speaking on an Oak Hall trip to Paris but it was cancelled since the coach was twice vandalized at this location. So we saved some cash (on Yvonne's holiday booking) and have had 2 very pleasent days here so far.

We went to Lewes today. A good breakfast / mid morning snack in Cafe Nero and a bit of browsing in the shops.

Cheese Please! was a hit. We tasted a Welsh Cheddar called Bouncing Betty that had cranberies in it. Tasted much more like a Wenslydale to me. And a yummy Swiss Cheese with a plum chutney. We bought them in some good sandwiches for lunch which we ate at the top of Lewes Castle. And yummy chilly and garlic olives and fetta stuffed peppers to take home.

'Cos we gift aided our entrance fee to Lewes Castle we got tickets we can use all year. It was worth a look. Good views. A wedding was taking place on the grass near the keep with a harpist while we were there. Tourists were taking their photo with the white open top Bently. And fun dressing up in medieval garb. I very much enjoyed the sound and light show with the model of the town and an informative historical video in the gift shop and museum.

It was free to look round Lewes Crown Court today as part of the Heritage Open Day. Interesting. Barrasters, judges and ushers all dressed up and there to chat. One could go in a cell and a police van and have one's finger prints taken (no thanks). There were 2 of Her Majesty's birds of prey there too. I'm not sure what they have to do with the penal system!

Lovely free gardens in Lewes today too (at Southover grange). Convinced me I don't need to worry about the first frost too much yet, though it's September.

There's also Anne of Cleves' house to see in Lewes. She got it as part of the divorce settlement. We'll definately go back, only if to return our bottles to the Harvey's Brewery Shop.

Stopped off at Middle Farm on the way back. Lots of amazing produce from kennels to octopus.

This afternoon, reading in the garden, a glass of Lewes brewer Harvey's Tom Paine ale, rugby on the telly.

Tonight, indian take away from the Spice Garden and the last night of the proms.

Tommorow, All Saints Eastbourne in the morning and All Souls in the evening, I think.

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