Thursday, September 06, 2007

Ritual Actions and RP

I reckon it would be useful for understanding the Regulative Principle of public worship in the NT era to go through the NT and make a list of more or less "ritual actions" that are spoken of maybe more or less positively. Of course all or most of our actions are in some way ritualised, but I hope you can see what I mean and the point of it all. Off the top of my head:

OT rituals such as circumcision as good in themselves in their place
the Lord's Supper
meals / feasts - waiting for one another
shaking the dust of your feet as a witness
feet washing
riding a donkey into Jerusalem
Jesus asking Peter the same question 3 times
white robes
Sabbath keeping
Jesus' habit of appearing to his disciples on a Sunday
Putting aside an offering on the 1st day of the week
regarding some days as special to the Lord
day and night, waking and sleeping
communal singing
formal excommunication
laying on of hands / ordination
holy kiss
public reading a scripture

Can you add to my list?

Ritual (like "tradition") seems inescapable. God seems to like it. The options are good ritual or bad and confused ritual not no ritual.


  1. Yes, I guess you're probably right. Though I assume he did both feet?

  2. Jesus often heals with ritual actions - words, touch, making mud etc.

    Jn 8 - the writing in the dust?

  3. Anonymous1:43 pm

    It's nice to see incense there in the list...
