Sunday, September 09, 2007

I swear by the Grand Pixie, Satan and all his imps...

On our visit to Lewes Crown Court yesterday we discovered that one can give the oath by a "god"of one's choice, more or less.

Now I know this will be defended as freedom of religion and choice, but I think it is wicked publiclly established idolatry such as the kings of ancient Israel were commanded to drive out.

I am not saying we should make windows into men's souls. Let people do what they like in their own homes and let them form private satanism clubs if they wish to worship Lucifer behind closed doors.

But courts are a public space and there is no neutrality there. They are the Queen's courts, she is (I assume) a Christian and the Christian religion should be publicly established by law. Likewise, in every court, council and parliament, there should be public prayer for the blessing of Almighty God, as there is in the high court of parliament and in every church in the land every week.

And by Almight God, I mean the living and true of God, of course, the God of the Bible, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Triune God.

I noticed the oath for Jews is the same as that for Christians expect Christians swear on a New Testament and Jews swear on an Old Testament. That really will not do. The whole Bible is a Christian book.

Are we to be a Christian country or not? We can only expect the judgement of God on such pic-n-mix public religion. I would say national repentance is in order. Perhaps Her Majesty would care to announce it in the next Queen's Speech or perhaps in her Christmas Address to her subjects.

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