Thursday, February 08, 2007

Do you ever have doubts?

My correspondent (who asked about omnipotence) said he finds the problem of evil / innocent suffering pretty insummountable and asked if I ever had doubts.

He's my quick reply:

Yes. I think the problem of evil is a biggy.

On doubts, I must say I'm normally pretty convinced. I think I could show you really good evidence and satisfying arguments. My expererince and that of millions of others down through time and around the world backs up the Bible. And when I read what the Bible says about Jesus it just "tastes right": it has a kind of immediate power and I believe him, and stake my life on it.

And I guess I've been a Christian sometime and am quite well indoctrinated / programmed (praying, reading my Bible and singing hymns most days). I do sometimes have doubts. But I think I've got an ordinary robust kind of certainty: the same kind of certainty that I have that my wife loves me, though I couldn't absolutely prove it to you.

I've written "problem of evil" on a post-it note on my desk in my study and I might try and blog something about it in the next few days, though I'm not sure I could "solve" the "problem".

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