Friday, February 09, 2007

Lent Plans

I failed to even make (let alone keep) any new year resolutions this year, which feels like a really wasted opportunity.

I didn't think about it enough or plan it sufficiently in advance and I was put off by the fear of failure or the embarassment of having such patheically poor ambitions.

Resolutions (like all goals) need to be time specific, realistic, challenging and clear.

Here are some possible lent resolutions:

(1) No blog related activity between 8:30am and 6:30pm

(2) No alcohol unless offered in by others (not including the wife!)

(3) No snacking between meals

(4) No milk (in tea or coffee, with cereal etc.)

(5) When wanting any of the above, remember the Lord Jesus and pray.

Obviously these wouldn't apply to a Sunday since it is a feast day not a fast day. And I would still look forward to eating the bread and drinking the wine.

I might also make a point of having lots of extra sausages in Lent to prove that I am properly Reformed and not under law.

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