Thursday, February 08, 2007

Evangelism and Social Action (updated)

Pastors (and potential pastors and interested others), please read Revd Dr David Field's paper, "Not The Least Lash Lost" on the argument: "evengelism is all that really matters because nothing else lasts into eternity".

I'm only 9 pages in and I'm hooked.

I tried to write an essay last term on: "What is the relationship between mission and evangelism?". I tried to say that a creation-affirming post-mil vision gives us the bigger project of bringing all things in this creation and all people under the Lordship of Christ through the gospel in the power of the Spirit in obedience to the Word and over the centuries. I used the model of Jesus' resurrection body to talk about continuity between our endevours in mission here and now and the final product: the same universe transformed and renewed with all our works taken up into it.

David Field's paper feels like what I should have said.

Update: Well, I've just finished reading it. Edifying. Fun. Quite brilliant. If you find it a bit speculative in places, don't let that put you off: the case is made.

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