Thursday, July 13, 2006

Married Life

Well, we’re still married, praise the Lord! And happily so. Double praise the Lord.

But this married life lark is jolly hard work so far.

Perhaps that’s not true: the honeymoon was delightful and very easy. And the wedding day wonderful – much better than we’d both expected.

But getting from the village of Maiori on the Amalfi coast of Italy to Oak Hill was a bit of an ordeal, with a 6:30am Italian time start, a two hour delay at Naples airport and staggering in to college heavy laden at 5pm, UK time.

But enough complaining for a moment.

Director Simms was a marvel and handed over the keys with alacrity, though it was outside office hours by the time we appealed for them. And thanks very much for the table, Tony: just small enough.

Dave was great at taking off the flat door and getting the second-hand sofa in.

Carl kindly moved Tim’s washing machine in for us and Dave connected it up.

And the Fields’ has been a wonderful all-mod cons base.

We still don’t have a fridge or a duvet and so on so we’ve not started camping in our new flat yet.

But we have worked like dogs for the last couple of days moving and sorting out stuff. My parents and I used to be able to move all my stuff in a half-day relatively unproblematically, so now I have a much greater feel (in my aching arms and legs) for how much they helped.

Today we spent seven hours and a small fortune at John Lewis in Oxford Street where the service was excellent and the food glorious food. Now all we have to do is wait for more and more nice things to arrive. You can save a packet on seconds and “Special Purchases”, you know. I think “Special Purchase” might be a funny posh cross between a sale and we-got-a-few-of-these-dodgy-things-a-bit-cheap-off-a-man.

But tomorrow morning its cleaning the old flat…

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