Thursday, July 13, 2006

Honeymoon Reading

Well, there were some distractions on honeymoon - one mainly, but I managed to get some reading done:

(1) Tom Wright's Simply Christianity

(2) Marsden's biography of Jonathan Edwards - the first 150 pages or so thus far

More on (1) & (2) anon.

(3) Tony Hawkes, A Piano In The Prinanese - autobiography / travel cross, quite fun, some good one liners and the odd decent set piece, reasonably predictable, some interesting stuff on music, single fella in midlife crisis (ish) finds possible soulmate, ultimately not very satisfying nor godly!

(4) Lyndsay Davies novel with Marcus Didius Falco as ancient Roman private imvestigator hero. Moderately literary for bestseller. Some characterisation, not just action. Davies was at my old college, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford, so I'm really only reading it out of loyalty.

Couldn't decide if I really cared about (3) and (4) enough to go on reading them. Maybe they are too trivial to want to bother with?

Does anyone have any tips for entertaining light reading? What would you have taken on honeymoon? Is it back to old P. G. Woodhouse, what oh?

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed Tony Hawks's 'Playing Moldovans at Tennis' which was less trivial than it first appeared. But for a honeymoon in Italy I'd recommend 'Extra Virgin' by Annie Hawes (the title is a reference to olive oil, not sex) about buying an olive grove in Liguria and eating wonderful food - it's the kind of book that just leaves your mouth watering on every page. Ideal, if you're in Italy and can go and find the real thing.
