Thursday, June 22, 2006

Blog Off!

Right, we've just collected lots of lovely fancy dress (but sadly perhaps no hats and kid gloves) and arranged for the champagne substitute and the rings to get to Manchester.

Tommorow first thing we drive up to The Grim North and on Sat at 1pm its the nuptuals. Looking forward to a couple of good meals, the odd pint and a glass or two of decent red before then.

Must learn the vows, print out some maps and think lovely thoughts about the speech. Better nice and dull than crass or crude, don't you think?

We're off the the Amalphi Coast of Italy a couple of hours north of Naples for a couple of weeks and then moving house.

But check back here eagerly on Friday 14th July and there might even be some pretty pictures of DY looking too wonderful for words and Marc happily filling his morning suit.

Ta. Blessings.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Anonymous9:26 am

    Hello Mark

    This one is a real person not computer Spam!

    Glad to finally hear of your blog site - looking forward to the odd distraction during the grind of the working week

    Stu W

  3. By the way, Dr Wilkinson,

    May I just say, its MarC not MarK!




  4. Anonymous1:28 pm

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