Thursday, June 22, 2006

Cockfosters: delights, disappointments and dangers

Cockfosters (just up the road from college) is much better than nasty Southgate or average Enfield but amidst its undoubted delights (The Cock & Dragon, The Deil, The Coffee Shop, Miracles, The newly discovered bar and eatery at the Chickenshed - drinkable cold Boddies - there are disappoinments and dangers.

The hot cheese and bacon cwason I had for breakfast this morning in the bakers nearest college was excellent. Unfortunately the woman who served me barely spoke English and was very slow and seemed like she'd much rather have her feet up at home. She'd enjoy herself rather more if she put her heart and soul into optomising my pleasure and her profits, I think. The price was good but the instant Nescafe coffee was bad - it hurt to drink it.

The newspaper shop next door is excellent too: good range of stationary, folders of different colours, lots of envelopes and The Spectator. Lots of porn, though, quite prominently displayed. And the postcards in the window are truly alarming: most offer massage. Some 100% massage. The hair colour, nationality, gender and weight of the messaur is mentioned, but her qualifications never are. The most worrying advert just says: "Nice young girl. Blonde. Discrete. N21 area." and gives a mobile phone number. The handwriting is shakey and looks semi-literate. Now surely this is criminal soliciting and the Newsagent is a pimp? Women who are arrested in red-light districts surely do not have to put up a price list of services to be guilty of an offense? Should I have complained to the newsagent, phoned the women or called the police? Or is praying and blogging sufficient?

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