Thursday, June 22, 2006

Rhetoric Volume Control

Pastor Douglas Wilson is of course in favour of motherhood and apple pie, of being nice and kind and humble and generous and so on, but he also enjoys expressing himself pithily and punchily, at times, it seems to me. There are times when we should turn the rhetoric up and we need to keep it turned on at all times and the volume control close at hand.

Here are the Rev'd Mr Wilson's suggestive reflections on having a taste for strong rhetoric in its place and from time to time:

If I get a chance, I would like to post something later about Coulter's rhetoric, and what it is about her writing that seems to whip mild-mannered people into a froth. In writing about this, I would, of course, comport myself with modesty and decorum, and not contribute to the anguish of these mild-mannered people myself. Or at least, not any more than is necessary. What is it that makes some people believe that salt and vinegar potato chips are a sin? You don't have to eat the whole bag, and it is all right to get something out of the fridge to drink if you like.
(see Wilson's Blog, linked on the right - appropriately, perhaps! :) )

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