Sunday, June 18, 2006

Christ Like Ministry / Jesus' Thorn In The Flesh

In contrast to the worldly-glory, selfish-power-hungry, Chris-maniac, "Super Apostles",

Paul presents his own power and glory through and in weakeness minsitry

as Christ-like and authentic.

Paul follows Jesus in the way of the cross, looking for the crown.

Paul had a "thorn in the flesh" (2 Corinthians 12), like the Lord Jesus Christ who literally had a thorn in the flesh as they thrust a counterfiet crown onto his head.

As Jesus "prayed 3 times" (perhaps) that God would remove the crown of thorns and save him from the cross, in the Garden of Gethsemene, so Paul asked, perhaps, for a quick-fix, suffering-free salvation. The Apostle certainly asked God three times for the removal of the (crown?) thorn in his flesh.

Both thorns were both the work of Satan and the triumphant good-out-of evil plan of God.

Neat, eh?

These thoughts suggested by a great sermon by Rev'd Charles Dobbie this morning. Soon available (as every week) for download or to listen online at (link on righ). Blessings.

There's some work to do on the Greek text of the above observations, I think. I believe the word Paul uses for his thorn is a hapax, though not entirely related to other thorny (or even stake (of wood) therefore cross) words in the NT. Happy hunting. Please do report back below!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. These thoughts suggested by a great sermon by Rev'd Charles Dobbie this morning.

    Dear Marc ... A personal favourite of mine from the Revd Dobbie preached at EEFC is also available for download here :

  3. Thank you, Celal. Its good, isnt it? Good to have a talk on half a verse rather than just the usual chunk length.

    By the way, couldn't see your picture on the EEFC Elders Photo gallery? You havent been impersonating an elder or dodging the camera have you?

  4. I stepped down from the Elderate last October.

    Family comes first, even ahead of church office, as per 1 Timothy 3.
