Monday, June 19, 2006

Amazing what they can do these days

Well, well, well.

It turns out one can post immediately or save drafts to this Google Blogger by email (including headings and HTML in your message) or in the US one's mobile phone texts and images can be added by straight away to one's blog by text message! Quite amazing. Whatever will these clever people at Google come up with next?

I trust Google arent a sinister force taking over the world, by the way? Is one allowed to say that here? :)

So there's really no excuse (or at least no necessary technological reason!) for "I'm going away and I won't be blogging for a while cos my web access wont be great".

Blog on!


  1. Anonymous1:57 pm

    I trust Google arent a sinister force taking over the world, by the way?

    Why? :-)


  2. Well, I think Google's market dominance quasi-monopoly and proliferation of products (Ads, Froogle, Gmail, Blogger?, Google Earth, different brands of search eg Google Scholar) is a bit worrying esp. when they have access to so much information (what website's anyone's looked at?) and its quite hard to switch to other providers, e.g. the hassel of changing email address or blog host? And all the tailored ads: is it a bit too intrusive and manipulative? Do people know what they are getting into? What's the difference between Microsoft and Google in these areas?

    Look forward to the Times Online article, Gerv. You must alert us to it! :)

  3. Anonymous5:31 pm

    Times Online articles are listed here:


  4. no excuse to say I'll be away and won't be blogging for a while because my web access won't be great

    Is that criticism directed at anyone in particular, Marc?

  5. Why, are you feeling guilty, Ros? Your public is crying out for those "words of wisdom".

  6. I look forward to continuing daily instalments, then, of singular wit and engaging theological discussion, even on your honeymoon (that is, assuming you are going on a holiday with your beloved)...

    With love and prayers for you both on Saturday,


  7. Thank you, Daniel. But I think one needs a whizzier mobile phone than mine. I might concentrate all my attentions on the chick. But you never know, I might want to blog with my beloved. I believe they have the internet on the west coast of Italy a couple of hours outside Naples?

  8. It turns out one can post immediately or save drafts to this Google Blogger by email

    Marc ... You can post immediately from Microsoft Word as well. You just need to download a utility program from Blogger which will merge with Word.
