Monday, June 19, 2006

Nazir Ali: Horray; ECUSA: Boo! (Again!)

Neil Jeffers tells me that the wretched "Episcopal" "Church" of the USA has passed an official synod resolution (which has no binding canonical or legal power) exhorting that the Bible be criticised as Anti-Semitic. What a shameful disgrace. How dreadful it will be on the great final day for the so-called Pastors of ECUSA.

ECUSA seems to have stepped outside the Catholic Church by "appointing" (electing) a "Woman" "Bishop". 1 Cor 11: On Women's Ministry: "we have no other practice, nor do the churches of God". Well, not any more, Holy Apostle. ECUSA knows best?!

Christina Rees (a member of the C of E General Synod) said she (the lady minister) is clever and sensitive so it'll all be a good thing. Oh dear.

It seems to me that ECUSA is not worthy of the name. There must be no effective and proper overight (Gk: episcopalness and all that) and it is probably no longer a church. Do they have the Word of God and justification by faith alone and the sacraments duly administered and church discipline? Not doing too well on the old Reformed Church Check-list, ECUSA. Maybe an inter-regnum is called for. Or mass excommunication? Could Rowan impose an interdict (as in the Middle Ages) and lock up all the churches untill people are crying out for Word and Supper in repentance? Perhaps the Pope should say something to his strange half brothers in ECUSA?

If anyone would like me to chain myself to anything with a sandwich board either in London or in the United States, if expenses are paid, I'd be more than happy to do so. I could even shout loud protests, if you like? Any slogans or chants to suggest? Some Psalm curses, perhaps? Exerge domine?

Who will deliver us from these terbulent priests?

The Right Reverend Doctor Michael Nazir Ali has said (in the Daily Telegraph today, I beliebe) that we now have Two Religions in Anglicanism, the splits between conservatives and liberals are so profound. One must choose between the Bible and new-fangled 21st Century sell-out religion. Schism is inevitable. Who is on the Lord's Side? Choose you this day whom you will serve, but as for me and my household (with God as our gracious helper) we will serve the Lord!

How do I plight my allegence to the Good Bishop?

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