Sunday, June 18, 2006

I'm Getting Married in the Afternoon!

Well, d.v., I think we're more or less all set for the nuptuals on Saturday. Woo hoo!

The old marriage prep. has been a bit disrupted (as the minister of the church in which we are getting married is not marrying us - there's an interegnum).

We've tried to do some marriage prep. while being fairly busy and living in different cities, but we'd value any last minute tips. The 3 most significant things I wish I'd known before I got hitched... That sort of thing would be great.

Someone at college said to us: the only useful thing I learnt in marriage prep is that men are like a gas hobs and women are like an electric ovens. So there you are.

We've had even more helpful discussions and advice from two older and wiser couples we had supper with and those others we've grilled. It's been great to feel that others at college and church and so on are rooting for us!

We read the Alpha Marriage Book by Nicky & Sila Lee. Some useful tips for a more successfull (middle-class) marriage - but not especially Christian.

Looking Up The Aisle? by Dave & Joyce Ames was better, though harder to get hold of and felt a bit dated. The book works by giving some written input, then a questionaire after each chapter, which one is encouraged to complete on one's own and then discuss together. Perhaps that would have been more worthwhile if I'd put in more effort on my own thinking around the questions but often we felt we just didn't know what we were going to do untill we'd given it a go or untill we knew the circumstances of where we'd be living and what work would be like etc.

We both agreed that by far the best thing we read was Douglas Wilson's Reforming Marriage, though some of his applications seem a bit American at times. I also benifited from Federal Husband and my beloved found The Fruit of Her Hands by Nancy Wilson helpful, encouraging and challenging. Wilson also has a book on courtship, called Her Hand In Marriage, perhaps ideal for those just starting college, which I wish I'd come accross earlier.


  1. Obviously I'm not the expert, so no advice but be assured of lots of prayer (especially for Yvonne). Also, I've heard that visiting friends in Philadelphia (if you have any) is crucial to keeping harmony in a marriage.

  2. Thanks v much, Ros. All other pledges of prayer support, holiday accomodation or large financial gifts (eg to cover air fares to Philly most welcome).

    Ros, do you think BA or Virgin Atlantic might give you commission / referal fee for all thosw who are thinking of flying trans-atlantic to come and see you? Worth a try.

  3. Perhaps they might like to advertise on my blog?

  4. Ah, Ros, I didnt know one could advertise on your blog? What are your terms and who do you think you reach?
