Saturday, August 06, 2022

The secret of Christian ministry

 We would all love to be more effective and fruitful in Christian ministry for a variety of reasons, some good, some bad. 

And Christian ministry is complex. There are all sorts of ways in which we could serve better and smarter. 

Snake oil salesmen will sell us the latest thing. 

And others will have a brilliant resource or course which has worked well in their context which would seem to offer hope.

Nevertheless, all eternal fruit depends on the blessing of God. It is by remaining in Jesus the vine that we bear fruit. 

There are all sorts of things we should, could, might do, but the one needful thing is to sit at Jesus' feet as his disciples. 

Christian ministry can be very difficult and challenging, but at its core it is pretty simple:

Love God. 

Love your neighbour. 

Share the Word. 


As the people of God, gathered around pulpit and table week by week, cry out to him for his blessing. And then seek to be his faithful people in your various vocations. Work hard and honestly. Be kind. Be ready to give a reason when they ask you for the hope you have.  

We long for revival. We would love to see 10% net growth year by year in numbers and giving. But we know what we ought to do. And it is not above all rebranding or a new website or a programme of door to door visitation, all of which might be good and worthy, but this one needful thing which Jesus would not take away from us. 

If he is pleased to give us a megachurch or a martyrs crown or something in between, all praise to his name! 

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